Note: due to changes in the permanents program not all of the old AIR / Asheville permanents are active. If you wish to use some of the inactive routes for RUSA credit please email the RBA with details.
Name Active Distance Climbing M per KM Tags
Caesar's Saluda Loop 200km 2,500m 12.5
Pisgah Punch 104km 1,629m 15.7
AVL-Mitchell-AVL 112km 2,440m 21.8
Misgah 201km 4,263m 21.2
Southern Appalachian SR600 600km 11,072m 18.5 NC, SC, TN, purty
Grapevine Wedge 115km 1,415m 12.3
Double Barrel Bonnie n Clyde 205km 2,323m 11.3
Little Switzerland 203km 2,830m 13.9 gravel, purty, NC, VA, TN
Bonnie 'n Clyde Populaire 128km 1,496m 11.7
Lake Lure Populaire 102km 1,477m 14.5