Note: due to changes in the permanents program not all of the old AIR / Asheville permanents are active. If you wish to use some of the inactive routes for RUSA credit please email the RBA with details.
Name Active Distance Climbing M per KM Tags
Night Train Ramble 204km 1,821m 8.9
Up the Creek 200km 3,075m 15.4
Whole Milk 202km 2,912m 14.4
Caesar's Saluda Loop 200km 2,500m 12.5
Pisgah Punch 104km 1,629m 15.7
AVL-Mitchell-AVL 112km 2,440m 21.8
Misgah 201km 4,263m 21.2
Southern Appalachian SR600 600km 11,072m 18.5 NC, SC, TN, purty
Grapevine Wedge 115km 1,415m 12.3
Double Barrel Bonnie n Clyde 205km 2,323m 11.3